Trust In God Who Trusts In You

2022년 7월 3일

Trust In God Who Trusts In You

< Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time  >

 Buddhists tell the story of two monks, one old and one young, walking to their temple in the mountains. Along the way they had to cross a river but there was no bridge or boat. As they came to a spot that was shallow, they saw a young woman standing at the riverbank struggling to cross. The old monk offered to carry the woman safely across the river. She gratefully accepted his kind offer and the three made it safely to the other side. He out her down and the woman and two monks parted company and went their separate ways. The monks walked in silence, but the old monk could tell something was troubling the young monk. Finally, many miles later, the old man stopped and asked the younger monk what was bothering him. “Your Holiness,” the young monk said, “What about our sacred vow never to touch a woman?” The older monk said, “My son, I set her down at the riverbank more than an hour ago. Why are you still carrying her in your heart?”

We Christians are often like that young monk. We put more emphasis on following rules rather than performing simple acts of mercy and charity. We carry resentments in our hearts and therefore the good news of the kingdom of God turns into resentment against others who don’t follow the rules. When Jesus sends us out—all of us— priests no less than lay people—he says not to take anything with us. But not just things. We should leave behind all our attitudes, prejudices, grudges and mistaken ideas. Only then will the peace of Christ enter our hearts and homes. We confess every Sunday that we believe in God, but never forget, even before that, God believes in us. He created us, calls us to faith, and entrusts us with the gospel to proclaim it with our lives, everyday, with everyone.