In Search of Eric Nam

2022년 2월 27일

In Search of Eric Nam

< Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time >

 I spent the better part of last week researching Eric Nam. If you don’t know who he is nor never heard his name, then you’re probably like me: out of touch, clueless and nonKorean. A high school classmate of mine has twin granddaughters who are into K-Pop. Knowing I love all things Korean, he asked me what I thought of Eric Nam, not just as an entertainer but as a person. Was he a good role model? Were his songs good with wholesome lyrics? What kind of person is he? Let me be the first to admit I have terrible taste in music. Oh, I know what music I like but my record in recognizing talent is shaky at best. Back in the 1960s I thought the Beatles were a passing fad. When I left Korea in 1985 and returned to the States and heard rap for the first time, I said it would never catch on. So I listened to some of Eric Nam’s songs and they sounded good, but what do I know? Then I went on YouTube and watched him answer “Thirst Tweets” (Don’t ask.) and give several interviews. Just when I was about to give up and tell my classmate I learned nothing about his granddaughters’ idol, I found a video where Eric shared with fans his favorite Korean food: 된장찌개. What’s more, he cooks it himself. This told me all I needed to know. He’s not only 100% Korean, he’s secure in his masculinity, proud of his heritage and he willingly shares what he loves. His music has to be good because his heart is good.

Jesus tells us good people produce good things out of the goodness of their hearts. To make sure you produce good things, examine your hearts. This Wednesday Lent begins. We begin as always by remembering we are dust and unto dust we shall return. Lent is a time to clean out our hearts of everything that is not good, not wholesome and not true. Fill your hearts with what is right and you will do and say what is right. To concentrate on the gospel and the role of Jesus in our lives, we give up other things during Lent, like desserts or Starbucks, candy or video games. I will give up just about anything—except 된장찌개! Of course from now on, every time I eat 된장찌개 I’ll think of Eric Nam.