Only One Thing Can Stop Jesus

2021년 7월 4일

Only One Thing Can Stop Jesus
<Fourteen Sunday in Ordinary Time >

The citizens of Nazareth were not impressed. Who did Jesus think he was? They remembered when he was a little kid growing up. Some of them had been his friends and playmates. They knew his fami-ly. Now he comes back like some big-shot rabbi and healer. No wonder Jesus could not perform any miracle. The people had no faith in him. He was too familiar. Without people’s faith, even Jesus was powerless to heal except for one or two people. “A prophet is not without honor except in his own town and among his own people,” Jesus explained.

Sometimes we also take Jesus for granted. Every Mass produces the miracle of Christ’s presence in the Eucharist, but how many of us have witnessed any miracles in our life? Healing? Answered pray-ers? So today’s gospel asks us, “Do you have faith?” As with the people of Nazareth, without faith we can’t expect to see any real improvements or changes in our lives. The good new is, with faith even as small as a mustard seed we’ll be able to move mountains. Put another way, Jesus alone can do very little. But Jesus plus a little faith can do everything.