Mark Of True Leadership

2022년 3월 6일

Mark Of True Leadership

< First Sunday of Lent >

        This past week, the civilized world watched in horror as Vladimir Putin unleashed Russia’s military might against a smaller and weaker nation. One bright light emerged in the darkness. Offered the chance to flee, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky elected to stay with his people, saying, “I don’t need a ride. I need more ammunition.” Our horror turned to admiration as Zelensky rallied his people and gave them—and the world—something more precious than money and more powerful than weapons: hope. Vastly outnumbered and out-armed by Russia, Ukrainians withstood and slowed the invading army for days. Here was the authentic and courageous leadership people are yearning for: a leader willing to stay with the people in their hour of need, live with them, fight alongside them and, if necessary, die with them.

His Holiness Pope Francis called upon all Catholics and people of good will to pray for peace in Ukraine during our Ash Wednesday services, even as we do penance and repent of our sins. Today’s readings show Jesus, our leader, being assaulted and tempted by the devil, unleashing the powers of hell against him. Jesus rejects the love of power and chooses to unleash the power of love by staying with the people, living with the people, and finally dying for the people. In this Jesus becomes the role model of all true leaders. We enter into Lent to rid ourselves of all attachments to earthly power, greed, and ego. We hold up the cross of Christ to conquer the false kingdoms of violence, deceit, and exploitation that may have taken root in our lives. Let all believers show courage in our spiritual battles.