And A Little Child Will Lead Them

2023년 7월 9일

And A Little Child Will Lead Them

<  Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Tine  >

 Children say the most surprising things. A Maryknoll Sister in Korea saw a little boy sitting on the curb crying. “What’s the matter, little boy?” she asked. “My cat died,” the boy replied. “Don’t cry,” she said, trying to comfort him. “God took your cat.” The little boy stopped crying and looked up confused. “Why would God want a dead cat?”

Some years ago, a Maryknoll Missioner saw a little boy wearing just one shoe. “How did you lose one shoe?” the priest asked. “I didn’t lose one shoe,” the boy replied. “I found this one.”

A six grade teacher said, “Maria, go to the map and find North America.”
“Here it is,” Maria said. “Correct,” the teacher said. “Now, Class, who discovered North America?“ They all replied, “Maria!”

The Bible often holds children up for their innocence and honesty. Jesus praises children in today’s gospel for often revealing more about God than people with theology degrees. How do you view children? Yes, they are little people with much to learn. But often God is teaching us through them.