Through Her, God Came To Earth

2021년 8월 15일

Through Her, God Came To Earth

<Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary >

   Just think! The Creator of the universe decided to become human and entered into creation through the Blessed Virgin Mary—a 14-year-old girl. It was not unusual for girls that young to become wives and mothers. What is so amazing and wonderful is God gave her a choice. Every Jewish woman even to this day prays to be mother of the Messiah. But Mary was much more. She was mother to the Messiah, the Savior of the world, and the Son of God.

Unlike the image of Mary painted by popular piety, Mary wasn’t some shy, passive girl being used by God. She was a spirited revolutionary who declared that God would bring down the mighty and lift up the lowly. She rightly predicted that all generations will call her blessed because of what God did for her–and us. Today we celebrate the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, body and soul, into heaven. It is only fitting that the body of the woman who gave Jesus his body not decay in the earth. She represents the whole human race, indeed, all of creation, when she is assumed into eternal glory and life with God. All creation thus participates in creating a new heaven and a new earth. Through Mary, God took flesh and came down to earth; with Mary, we all rise up and return to God.