Follow Your Spiritual GPS

2021년 5월 2일

Follow Your Spiritual GPS

< Fifth Sunday of Easter >

 Back in the day before the GPS was invented, (the year 2000, to be exact), we had to use physical maps and stop to ask directions to go from one place to a new, unfamiliar destination. Men notoriously hated to ask directions, resulting in a lot of time wasted wandering around and getting lost. Do you know how to read a map? We normally think of four primary directions: North, South, East and West. But did you know the Chinese add a FIFTH reference point? It’s Here: your starting point. It’s the most important of all. N, S, E, W are all relative to where you are now. How can you know in which direction to go unless you first know where you are?

It’s the same with our spiritual journal. We sometimes feel lost, and so we can identify with Thomas in today’s gospel, “Lord, we do not know where you are going, how can we know the way?” But before we can go in the right direction, we not only need to know our destination, we need to know where we are now. Are we lost? Confused? Frightened? Sad? Anxious? We first acknowledge our reality. But to find meaning, happiness, and fulfillment in life, we must activate our spiritual GPS, not Global Positioning System but rather Gospel, Prayer and Service. The gospels teach us how Jesus lived and treated others and how he viewed and lived life. Prayer centers us in God, the source of life, love and holiness. And service helps us appreciate that by helping others, especially those less fortunate, we ultimately find us on the right path that leads us to Christ, our Way, our Truth and our Life.