Do You Pray With Those Lips?

2021년 8월 29일

Do You Pray With Those Lips?

<Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time>

   One difference between Catholics and Protestants is in what we can and cannot do in our everyday lives. For example, some Protestants forbid drinking alcohol, others ban smoking. Certain Baptist churches do not allow their followers to dance. There’s a joke about a Baptist dying and going to heaven. St Peter was showing him around. Each church had its own version of heaven. When they got to Catholic heaven St. Peter put his finger to his lips. “Shh!” he said. “Be quiet! They don’t know anyone else is here!”

Of course there was a time when this was true. Catholics believed no other people could go to heaven. We know now this isn’t true. God’s mercy is greater than man-made rules. Of course, our faith should impact how we live. Unlike Jews who don’t eat pork or cheeseburgers, or Baptists who don’t smoke or dance, Catholics can do all those things. The reason why is found in today’s gospel. Jesus said what goes into our bodies does not make us unclean, but what comes out of our mouths. Lies, gossip, hate speech all come from the evil in our hearts and make us unclean. So, while smoking cigarettes might be bad for our health, it doesn’t keep us from heaven. Let us be especially mindful of the hurtful things that come out of our mouths and ask ourselves, “Would you pray with these lips? Would you take the Eucharist with this mouth?”