Behold the Pig and Chicken of God!

2021년 1월 17일

Behold the Pig and Chicken of God!
< Second Sunday in Ordinary Time >

   Several years ago I did a reflection on the symbolism in the Korean traditions surrounding Chuseok. So for the sake of our your people who weren’t born yet, and for the sake of the older Koreans whose memory may be even worse than mine, I shall revisit that reflection. A traditional Korean Jesa, or food offering, was the way to honor the spirits of our departed ancestors and to call upon the heavenly and underworld spirits to assist. So every Jesa table, along with beautifully arranged towers of colorful rice cakes, also had a whole chicken and a pig’s head. The chicken, with its wings, carried the prayers and offerings up to the heavens. The pig carried the offering and prayers down to those who dwell below the earth.

The Jews had a different system of communicating with God: the sacrificial lamb. A lamb was sacrificed and burned before the high altar in the Temple to take away one’s sins. So when John the Baptist pointed out Jesus in the crowd, he had no need for further introductions. The people not only learned who Jesus was, but what his role would be. He is the sacrificial lamb who, by his death, will take away the sins of the world. The desire to communicate with God as well as with the spirits of our deceased love ones is universal to every culture. In Jesus we believe the ultimate link between God and humans is achieved. And like Andrew, let us not keep Jesus to ourselves, but let us bring our brothers, sisters, family and friends to Christ, the lamb of God.