Are You Catholic Or Are You Christian?

2022년 6월 26일

Are You Catholic Or Are You Christian?

< Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time  >

              Back in the day when I lived in Korea, it was common for Koreans to ask me, “Are you Catholic or are you Christian?” To my American ears, this sounded strange. Here in the States, Christians were anyone who followed Christ, so all Catholics are Christian, as are Presbyterians, Methodists, Baptists etc. But in the light of today’s readings, a more insightful question arises: are you a Christian or are you a follower of Christ? It’s easy to call yourself Christian, but only your life and how you treat others determines if you are actually a follower of Christ. This is illustrated by the story of an Amish man being asked if he was a Christian. He replied, “I don’t know. You’ll have to ask my neighbor.” There is much wisdom in his response.

All of us, to one degree or another, identify as Christian, but it is easier to be a Christian than it is the be a follower of Christ. As a matter of fact, if you look at the way some Christians talk, live and treat others, it’s hard to see any impact of the gospel on their lives. But a true follower of Christ speaks the way Jesus spoke and treats others the way Jesus did. What’s more, to claim to be a follower of Christ means you are willing to go where Jesus is going. In today’s gospel, Jesus sets his face resolutely toward Jerusalem. Why? Because that’s where he will go to die. That’s where the cross awaits him. So if we claim to be a follower of Christ, we too should be ready, if not completely willing, not only to live like him, but to die like him. And to die with him. Following Jesus means going with him to the cross. So, are you a Catholic? A Christian? Or a follower of Christ? God willing, let it be all three!