Are we moths or cockroaches.

2018년 3월 11일

In the animal kingdom, some (if not most) animals are diurnal, that is, they go about during daylight hours. Others are nocturnal; they go about at night. And a few are crepuscular (I love that word!): they are active during twilight. Now, some animals are actually irresistibly drawn to light. Moths are a good example of this. Other animals flee from light. Think of cockroaches scurrying away when you turn on the light at night.

Plants are like that as well. Most plants are phototropic (So many SAT words!). That is, they grow towards light. Sunflowers are heliotropic. They follow the sun. But some plants, like ivy and ferns, are actually skototropic. That is, they grow away from light or prefer shade or, like mushrooms, even darkness.

Which brings us to people. In today’s gospel, we are reminded that Jesus came as the light of the world, but some people flee from the light of Christ and prefer darkness because their evil deeds might be exposed. So once again, the Word of God challenges us to re-examine our attitudes and our life. Are we drawn toward God’s light, like moths to a flame? Or do we run in the opposite direction, like cockroaches? Are we sunflowers or mushrooms? We still have time to change! Let our hearts and minds follow the Son, and let our words and actions show we are children of the Light.