Facing Temptations

2018년 2월 17일

No sooner is he baptized by John to prepare for the kingdom of God, Jesus goes into the desert—to
be tempted by the devil. He fasts for 40 days and, Mark points out in extreme understatement: Jesus

was hungry. Jesus fasts for the same reason a boxer trains for a prize fight. He masters his natural de-
sire for food and water to focus his gaze like a laser on overthrowing the forces of evil. But first he

needed to purify and clarify his motives. After all, Paul tells us, Jesus is “like us and in all things but
sin.” This means even Jesus faced temptations.
He was tempted to use his power to glorify himself, become popular, lead an uprising, and perhaps
even become king. But while on this “retreat”, Jesus realized he came for others, to save people who
were slaves to sin. No doubt wrestling with Scriptures, Jesus identified with the “Suffering Servant”
described by the Prophet Isaiah, centuries before. And this temptation to give in and use his power to
save himself would follow him for the rest of his days. On the day he died, while hanging on the cross,
a prisoner crucified with Jesus tempted him: “If you are the son of God, come down off the cross.
Save yourself and us!”

Like Jesus, we also face temptations, on a daily basis. The temptation is to get us to sin so we for-
get how much God loves us and wants to be with us in all our troubles. At times like this, remember

what God has already done for us in Christ and God will remain with us till the end. Temptations will
come; May God grant us the power to resist.