High School Youth Group

모임시간: 주일 오전 10시 30분문의: Andrew Kim

Currently, we have 8 Junior High School teachers and 8 High School teachers volunteering their services every Sunday.

Each year, our teachers plan one weekend retreat and one one-day retreat for our Junior High School students.

Our High School students have two weekend retreats each year.

In the summer, we have a combined Junior High and High School weekend camp.

As Sunday School teachers, it is our goal to help our students become closer to God and strengthen their relationship with Him, by learning how to live like Christ through service and the spiritual enrichment we try to provide at these events.

Our program also offers an 8th grade Confirmation class. High School students, who have yet to receive the Sacraments of Baptism and Eucharist, are invited to participate in our Confirmation class to receive all three Sacraments of Initiation.