Of Camels, Needles and Heaven

2018년 10월 14일

What would you do to live forever? Is there anything too precious or valuable that you wouldn’t give up for the possibility of eternal life? The rich young man in today’s gospel had everything. Literally. People in those days, and most people nowadays, saw wealth as material proof of God’s favor and blessing. And why not? The rich man admitted he obeyed all the Commandments, so why shouldn’t God reward him with wealth? But he wanted more! He wanted assurance of eternal life.

So Jesus put him to the test. If he really believed and trusted God, then give it all up, sell everything and give the money to the poor. The man’s response showed it wasn’t God he trusted, it was his wealth. Jesus then gives that curious analogy: it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter heaven. A new translation shows that Jesus said “rope” not “camel.” The analogy makes more sense, but so what? It’s still impossible.

And that’s the point. In the end, money, fame, political power or popularity cannot save us. Only God can. God created us out of the dust of the earth and God has the power to raise us up again. Only God created life and only God can restore it. Therefore let nothing come between you and God.